For Healthcare Professionals

Efficacy and Safety of Tezepelumab in Patients With Eosinophilic Esophagitis


About the study

A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled multicenter, phase 3 study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of tezepelumab administered subcutaneously (SC) using an accessorized pre-filled syringe (APFS) versus placebo in adult and adolescent patients with eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE).

Who can take part

You may be eligible to participate in the study if you meet the following criteria:


Inclusion Criteria:

  1. Participant must be 12 to 80 years of age inclusive, at the time of signing the informed consent/assent.
  2. Weight ≥ 40 kg at Visit 1
  3. Established diagnosis of EoE with a previous EGD and esophageal biopsy confirming a diagnosis of EoE.
  4. Participants who have symptomatic EoE as defined by a history of on average at least 2 episodes of dysphagia (any severity of food going down slowly or being stuck in the throat) per week in the 4 weeks prior to Visit 1.
  5. Must remain on a stabilized diet for at least 8 weeks prior to Visit 1 and during the course of the study (stable diet is defined as no initiation of single or multiple elimination diets or reintroduction of previously eliminated food groups).
  6. May be on any background PPI and/or STC, during the course of the study, as long as background medications have been stable for at least 8 weeks prior to the screening/run-in period (Visit 1) and there is agreement not to change background medication or dosage unless medically indicated, during the screening/run-in and treatment period.
  7. Participants currently on leukotriene inhibitors and/or steroid treatments for asthma or allergies that are inhaled or administered intranasally, must report a stable dose for at least 4 weeks prior to the screening/run-in period (Visit 1).
  8. If a medication for EoE (for example PPI and/or STC) is discontinued prior to the screening/run-in, there should be a washout period of at least 8 weeks prior to Visit 1. Discontinuation of any marketed biologic (monoclonal or polyclonal antibody) should have a washout period of 4 months or 5 half-lives prior to Visit 1, whichever is longer.
  9. Participants should have previously documented standard of care treatment, which could include PPI and/or STC and/or diet.


Exclusion Criteria:

  1. Other gastrointestinal disorders such as active Helicobacter pylori infection, history of achalasia, esophageal varices, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, inflammatory bowel disease, celiac disease, eosinophilic enteritis, colitis, diverticulitis, irritable bowel syndrome, or other clinically significant gastrointestinal conditions as per Investigator discretion.
  2. Esophageal stricture that prevents the easy passage of a standard endoscope or any critical esophageal stricture that requires dilation at screening.
  3. Use of a feeding tube, or having a pattern of not eating solid food >3 days of week. Solid food is defined as food that requires chewing before swallowing.
  4. Hypereosinophilic syndrome
  5. EGPA vasculitis
  6. Esophageal dilation performed within 8 weeks prior to screening.

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Study Locations

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How to Apply

Contact the study center to learn if this study is a good match for you.
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Study Details


Eosinophilic Esophagitis





Participants Needed


Est. Completion Date

Jan 8, 2027

Treatment Type



AstraZeneca NCT Identifier


Study Number


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