For Healthcare Professionals

Struggling to control your chronic migraines?

See if a research study may be right for you

People who take part may receive*:

  • Payment up to $180, which varies by study
  • Study-related care from local doctors at no cost
  • Study medication at no cost.

There is no obligation, so see if you may qualify now.

See If You Pre-Qualify
Migraine| 3 images of adults with migraines and pained expressions and 1 researcher using a microscope
About Migraine Studies
About migraine studies

Migraine is a debilitating condition that affects over 39 million Americans and 1 billion people worldwide. Often characterized by a painful, intense headache, migraine can include other symptoms, such as visual disturbances (called an “aura”). The quality of life and ability to work are severely impacted for somebody experiencing migraines.

Our migraine clinical research studies, also called “clinical trials,” evaluate potential new medication options for people experiencing migraines. Migraine clinical research studies help to answer important questions about how medications work and possibly improve treatment for those affected by migraines. More research is also needed to better understand how available medications work to prevent migraines.

We are looking for people with a history of migraines to take part in migraine clinical research studies. To find out if you qualify for one of these studies, complete the survey now. There is no obligation, and health insurance is not required.

How Does It Work?

It is simple to find out if you may qualify:

Step 1 new

Step 1

Answer some questions about you and your health

Step 2_New

Step 2

We will check if there is a study near you that you may be eligible for


Step 3

Confirm your interest and we will be in touch shortly about next steps

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

A clinical research study, also called a clinical trial or research study, is a carefully designed scientific evaluation of a potential new medication. Clinical research studies are conducted by doctors and researchers. A clinical research study helps to answer important questions about a potential new medication, such as:

  • How safe is the potential new medication?
  • Does it work?

A potential new (investigational) medication, also sometimes called an investigational drug or a study medication, has been tested in a laboratory. Based on those results, it has been approved by health regulatory authorities for testing in people. An investigational medication also may be a medication that is approved for the treatment of one disease or condition but is still under investigation in other diseases or conditions. An investigational medication can only be used in clinical research studies.

All potential new (investigational) medications must be tested in clinical research studies before they can be approved by authorities to be prescribed to patients. Without people taking part in these studies, we would have no new medications.

There are always risks and benefits of participating in a clinical research study. There is always a chance that the potential new medication could cause side effects or will not work. However, you should know that there are strict rules in place to monitor the safety of people taking part in a study. Before joining any clinical research study, it is important to consider the risks and understand them. The study team will explain all the risks and benefits at the first study visit. Throughout the study, a team of doctors and nurses will monitor the health of the people taking part. They will be there to answer any questions you may have.

If you would like to know whether you might be able to take part in the study, please fill out the form. You will be told immediately if there is a match. If you pre-qualify, we will connect you to a clinical research study center in your area. We will also help schedule the first study appointment at the study center. Please note: During the screening process, the study doctor or study team will check additional criteria before someone can join the study.

The study-required potential new (investigational) medication or placebo will be provided at no cost. The person taking part in the study will also receive study-related care from a team of experienced doctors and nurses throughout the study at no cost.

All personal information will remain confidential, and data will only be collected and used as necessary to support an individual’s match to and participation in a study. Participants’ names will not be included in any data reported. For more information, including how and why we process personal data, please read our Privacy Policy.

Clinical research studies must undergo rigorous reviews and follow strict rules. These rules help to ensure that the rights, safety, and well-being of participants are at the forefront of any study.

Participating in a clinical research study comes with risks as well as benefits. Before joining a study, potential participants must make sure they understand the benefits, such as getting access to study-related medical care and maybe helping others in the future. They must also understand the risks, such as unknown side effects. Potential study participants can take as much time as they need to decide whether to take part and get as much information as they can. Before joining a study, the potential study participant will be asked to sign an informed consent form, which will include a full explanation of the study, including its potential risks. If the potential study participant is not capable of giving informed consent, a legally authorized representative may provide informed consent on their behalf. In this situation, the potential study participant would provide informed assent.

It is a personal decision to take part. Participation in a study is voluntary. Please also consider:

  • If a decision is made to participate, you can withdraw at any time during the study.
  • The study team will explain the possible benefits and risks of the study during the informed consent process.
  • A person does not have to join any study if they don’t want to.
  • A team of doctors and nurses will carefully monitor the health of people taking part during the study.
  • The potential new (investigational) medication or placebo will be provided at no cost.
  • Taking part in the study may help other people with migraines in the future.
People taking part in the study will need to follow all the instructions from the study doctor and nurses.

See If You Pre-Qualify

Please answer the following questions to see if the study is a good match.

Please contact [pn] if you need help.